Calling All Employers!

Employers are crucial partners for child support communities and as an employer, you play a significant role in helping the children and families of our community receive the financial assistance they need and deserve. We commend you and thank you for this extremely important partnership. Please call (800) 979-9014 or email to find out more about the lump sum reporting tool and get started in accessing the Virginia New Hire Reporting Center Lump Sum Payment Module.

Federal and State law requires employers to report newly hired and re-hired employees in Virginia to the Virginia New Hire Reporting Center. Please use this site for information about reporting new hires including reporting online and other reporting options!

Register to report New Hires on the internet or to securely transfer files:

Login and report New Hires online or transfer files if you are already registered:

Enter a scheduled VA New Hire Web Conference.


Virginia Statute § 20-79.3

of the Code of Virginia is amended, relating to support order; income withholding order; employer fees. According to the amendment, all Virginia employers may deduct a fee of up to a maximum of $5 for each reply or remittance on account of the employee from the employee's income in addition to the support amount to be withheld. In accordance with a comparable healthcare coverage plan for dependent children, a one-time fee of no more than $5 may be charged by the employer. Child support withholding amounts collected from unemployment insurance benefits are not subject to this fee.

As unemployment rates continue to decrease, the Virginia New Hire Reporting team would like to take an opportunity to remind you of your responsibility to report all newly hired, rehired, and recalled employees. Newly hired, rehired, and recalled employees must be reported within 20 days of their hire, rehire, or recall date, whether they are considered full-time, part-time, or temporary employees.

Rehired employees are employees who return to work after sixty (60) days, or more, of being laid off, furloughed, separated, or granted a leave without pay or terminated from employment. Recalled employees include anyone who remains on the payroll during a break in service or gap in pay and then returns to work. For example, teachers, substitutes, seasonal workers, etc.

For more new hire reporting information, visit our FAQs and Reporting Fundamentals pages.

We understand that these are still unprecedented times and would like you to know that we are here to support you. If there is anything we can do to better serve your needs, please let us know. We welcome your questions and look forward to helping you any way we can.

We may be reached via email using the link provided below or directly by phone at (800) 979-9014.

Quick Links

PO Box 3449 Trenton, NJ 08619 | Phone (800) 979-9014 | Fax (800) 688-2680
© 2009- 2024 Virginia New Hire Reporting Center. Site design by Stellarware