Children, Youth and Families Act

The Children, Youth and Families Act applies primarily to child protection proceedings such as those where the Director of Child, Youth and Family Services has taken a child into care and asks the Court to determine if the child should be returned to a parent or left in the care of the Director either temporarily or permanently.

Provincial Court of Newfoundland and Labrador
Box 68
215 Water Street
St. John’s, NL
A1C 6C9


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The Provincial Court is the Court of first instance for all criminal and regulatory offences. Trials of the vast majority of such offences are concluded there. The Court also serves as the Youth Court, Traffic Court (including contraventions tickets), Small Claims Court for most civil claims up to $25,000.00, and – outside of those areas covered by the Family Division of the Supreme Court – deals with most family law matters other than divorce or division of property under the Family Law Act. The Court also conducts inquiries into accidental or mysterious deaths or fires.

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