Godrej Agrovet IPO Subscription Details

Godrej Agrovet IPO subscribed 95.16 times. The public issue subscribed 7.16 times in the retail category, 150.96 times in QIB, and 236.04 times in the NII category by October 6, 2017 (Day 3).

Investor CategorySubscription (times)Shares OfferedShares Bid forTotal Amount (Rs Cr.)*
Qualified Institutions150.965,082,882 0
Non-Institutional Buyers236.043,750,042 0
Retail Investors 7.16 8,750,096 0
Employees0.81444,444 0
Others[.]0 0
Total 95.1618,027,464 0

Disclaimer: *The total amount is calculated based on the final issue price or the price in the upper price range.

Godrej Agrovet IPO (Day-wise) Subscription Details (times)

Day 1
October 4, 2017
Day 2
October 5, 2017
Day 3
October 6, 2017

Godrej Agrovet IPO Shares Offered

Godrej Agrovet IPO is a public issue of 18,027,464 equity shares. The issue offers 8,750,096 shares to retail investors, 5,082,882 shares to qualified institutional buyers, and 3,750,042 shares to non-institutional investors.

CategoryShares OfferedAmount (Rs Cr) Size (%)

IPO Investor Categories

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